Tongogara High School is a government-run high school in the rural areas of Shurugwi, Zimbabwe which offers classes up to A-level.
As one of the best post-independence secondary schools to be built in Zimbabwe, it was named after an eminent son of the soil and freedom fighter, Josiah Tongogara, as an honor to his contribution during the liberation struggle of Zimbabwe. The school is situated in the homeland of the former fighter. It is only 15 km from Chachacha business centre and a stone throw from Tongogara District Growth Point and the District Heroes Acre. The first A-level enrollment was in 1989 and boarding facilities were extended to the lower grades from 1990. There is also continual education program C.E.P. for those who would like to advance their education. The school has produced notable graduates who have gone to make a different both at home and in the diaspora.The school is located in Mvura village.Students at that school usually go to Mvura Seventh Day Adventist church because it is nearer,and it is believed that almost everyone in Mvura Village is an adventist.The church has been very surportive in grooming the students.We also have notable graduates from this school who have gone far for example Burombo Mudhumo named after poverty,Aleck Matanda, Comfort and Amstrong Mvura who are believed to have left the school for diaspora and have been surpotive to all the residence in the village and the school.The most respected teachers were Mr Chikondo the headmaster,Mr Madhina,Mrs Bere,Mr Musvavairi and Mrs Musvaairi,Mr Maharani a science teacher who is well informed and very educating he apered to be very dignfied,Mr Sanudi,Mr Shumba,Mr Hlerema,Muhlahlo and Mr Tandavara well known as Mutogwa or Mukwama who travels 10 km everyday from Tumba primary school were the wife teaches and he looks health ad happy every day.Tongogara is also known as Chirashavana for different reasons.